
The Sankofa Wetland Park, located at 6401 Florida Ave. in New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward neighborhood was developed by Sankofa Community Development Corporation in partnership with Sewerage and Water Board and City of New Orleans. Sankofa worked with a team of wetland ecologists and landscape architects to transform this area into a space for environmental education, relaxation, and recreation for all to enjoy. The park highlights the role of wetlands in absorbing stormwater and reducing land subsidence. Over 300 Baldcypress and 200 herbaceous trees have been installed with 81,929 gallons of water flowing into the wetland area. Over 400 invasive Chinese Tallow trees were removed from the site. The volume of wetland area, assuming one half meter depth of water (about 1.5 ft) is 13,659 gallons. The total average of rainfall in the area is 60.2 inches. The total evaporation is 42 inches. Within this stormwater management plan, water will be replaced in the area every 2 months.

Wetlands create a habitat for plants and provide shelter and food for butterflies, birds and other wildlife. Trees cool the environment, clean the air and absorb rainwater. The trees, plants and wetland features in this park function together to slow and clean stormwater runoff. The groundwater is then recharged, which reduces the effects of land subsidence, which occurs when the clay soils typically found in New Orleans become dry and shrink. The Baldcypress and Water Tupelo trees planted on this wetland park stand strong during hurricanes and protect neighborhoods.

This wetland park also offers an opportunity for stress release and relaxation in a nature setting. Built within a community affected by stressors and blight, this wetland park creates an environment for relaxation. Visitors to the space will enjoy taking short, leisurely visits to spend time in nature. The park offers nature walk tours to call forth to people a sense of joy, grandeur, and humility. Visitors to the space will be in the presence of nature, notice their senses, and develop an awareness of their surroundings.

There are 40 additional acres of land adjacent to the site on Florida Ave that can also be developed into a wetland park. This expansion would be an opportunity for students, residents of the area, and visitors to enjoy. The development would also provide a recreational space for walking, jogging, canoeing, and other physical activities.
